North Carolina Science

Discover tools designed to engage and inspire! Smart Board Learning’s tools combine music, videos, interactive games/quizzes, and worksheets to align with State Standards of Learning, NGSS Standards, and Common Core Standards.

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2nd grade science

Matter and its Interactions

PS.2.1 Understand properties of solids and liquids and the changes they undergo.

Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer

PS.2.2 Understand the relationship between sound and vibrating objects.

From Molecules to Organisms- Structures and Processes

LS.2.1 Understand animal life cycles.

Inheritance and Variation of Traits

LS.2.2 Understand that organisms differ from or are similar to their parents and other offspring based on characteristics of the organism.

Earth’s Systems

ESS2.1 Understand patterns of weather and factors that affect weather.

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Teacher Tool Request - Empowering Educators to Customize Learning Materials

We are excited to introduce the Teacher Tool Request feature, designed to provide advanced customization capabilities for educators using our platform. This tool empowers educators with advanced access to tailor various learning materials, including lyrics to songs, videos, worksheets, and quizzes, ensuring a more personalized and effective learning experience for their students.

How It Works:

  1. Customization Opportunities: Educators with advanced access can personalize every aspect of the learning material. This includes the ability to customize lyrics for songs, videos, worksheets, and quizzes.

  2. Teacher Tool Request Button: The Teacher Tool Request button serves as the gateway for educators to request and upload information for specific topics or propose new ones. This feature enables educators to contribute to the continuous improvement of our educational resources.

  3. Simple Input Process: To make a request, educators need to input the following details:

    • Teacher Code or School Code
    • Teacher Name
    • School Name
    • Subject & Standard Number
    • Topic
    • Detailed outline of the points to be included in the material
  4. Subscription Grade Level: It is essential to note that all teacher requests must align with their subscription grade level(s). This ensures that the customized material remains relevant to the students’ educational needs.

Our Goal:

Our primary objective is to assist educators in enhancing their teaching methodologies and helping students retain information at an accelerated pace. By allowing customization, we aim to create a more engaging and tailored learning experience, fostering a deeper understanding of the subjects.

Get Started:

  1. Click on the Teacher Tool Request button.
  2. Input the necessary details for your request.
  3. Provide a detailed outline for the topic customization.

We appreciate your commitment to education, and we are confident that this tool will be a valuable asset in your teaching toolkit.

Matter Rock Video

Matter rock


Matter has mass and takes up space.

Matter has mass and takes up space.

Three states of matter,

solid, liquid and gas.

Three states of matter,

solid, liquid and gas.



Solids, they keep their shape.

Solids, they keep their shape.

Particles are packed tightly in solids, vibrating.

Particles are packed tightly in solids, vibrating.

Liquids, take the shape of its container.

Liquids, take the shape of its container.

Particles are spread out a little, sliding past each other.

Particles are spread out a little, sliding past each other.

In gases, the shape will change with its container.

In gases, the volume will change with its container.

Particles are spread out and move very quickly.

Particles are spread out and move very quickly.



Matter has mass and takes up space.

Matter has mass and takes up space.

Three states of matter,

solid, liquid and gas.

Three states of matter,

solid, liquid and gas.

©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

Force Video




If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.



Force is a push or a pull that will

make an object stop.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects speed.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects direction.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects direction.



If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

Motion Video



If an object changes its position,

then a motion has occurred.

If it continuously changes its position,

then it’s in motion, then it’s in motion.



Use a car as an example, and the car is parked at the curb.

Now, you move the car up 10 feet, then a motion has occurred.

Now, if you take the same parked car and put it on the highway,

then start coasting.

Its position is constantly changing.

Then, it’s in motion, then it’s in motion.



If an object changes its position,

then a motion has occurred.

If it continuously changes its position,

then it’s in motion, then it’s in motion.

If an object changes its position,

then a motion has occurred.

If it continuously changes its position,

then it’s in motion, then it’s in motion


©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

Night & Day Video

Night & Day Lyrics


Day and night, day and night, day and night, day and night.

Night and day, night and day, night and day, night and day.



In the daytime, you see the light and it’s dark at night.

Yeah, it’s dark at night,

yeah, yeah, it’s dark at night.

In the daytime, you see the light and it’s dark at night.

Yeah, it’s dark at night,

yeah, yeah, it’s dark at night.



Because the earth spins around,

makes a full turn in 24 hours,

the sun only lights up half of the earth at a time.

The side with the light is daytime.

The other side is dark, that’s nighttime.

As the earth spins, daytime shifts to the other side.

As the earth spins, nighttime shifts to the other side.



In the daytime, you see the light and it’s dark at night.

Yeah, it’s dark at night,

yeah, yeah, it’s dark at night.

In the daytime, you see the light and it’s dark at night.

Yeah, it’s dark at night,

yeah, yeah, it’s dark at night.


©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.



Sound Vibration Video

Sound vibration



If you did not know where sound came from, well, now you know,

It’s from the vibration, it’s from the vibration.

If you did not know where sound came from, well, now you know,

It’s from the vibration, it’s from the vibration.



When you grab your guitar and pluck on the string,

listen to the sound, it makes you want to sing.

Vibration, vibration.

Vibration, vibration.

You can speak very soft or speak very loud.

Your vocal cords vibrate, producing sound.

Vibration, vibration.

Vibration, vibration.

 You can speak very soft or speak very loud.

Your vocal cords vibrate, producing sound.

Vibration, vibration.

Vibration, vibration.


If you did not know where sound came from, well, now you know,

It’s from the vibration, it’s from the vibration.

If you did not know where sound came from, well, now you know,

It’s from the vibration, it’s from the vibration.


©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.



Instruments Video



What do we hear making that sound?

What do we hear making that sound?

It’s the guitar’s vibrating strings

that makes me want to sing.


What do we hear making that sound?

What do we hear making that sound?

It’s the violin’s vibrating strings

that makes me want to sing.


What do we hear making that sound?

What do we hear making that sound?

It’s the flute’s vibrating air,

that’s the sound I love to hear.


What do we hear making that sound?

What do we hear making that sound?

It’s the trumpet’s vibrating air,

that’s the sound I love to hear.


What do we hear making that sound?

What do we hear making that sound?

It’s the drum’s vibrating head

making me shake my head.


©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle Video

Reduce, reuse, & recycle


Reducing, reusing, and recycling protects your environment.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling protects your environment.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling can eliminate waste.



You can reduce by refusing store bags.

Carry small items out in your hands.

You can reuse cups that’s washable

instead of foam cups that’s disposable.

You can recycle papers and plastics, papers, and plastics,

yup, yup, yup papers and plastics.



Reducing, reusing, and recycling protects your environment.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling protects your environment.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling can eliminate waste.

©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

Metamorphosis Video




Metamorphosis is the process

an animal takes when it changes shapes.

Metamorphosis is the process

an animal takes when it changes shapes.



Let’s look at a frog when it’s born,

the eggs hatch and the tadpole comes on.

The tadpoles live in the pond

with a tail, no legs, no arms.

Then after a while the legs start to form.

The tail starts to shrink till it’s all gone.

The eyes bulge out the lungs finish developing.

Now living on land, the frog is here.



Metamorphosis is the process

an animal takes when it changes shapes.

Metamorphosis is the process

an animal takes when it changes shapes.


©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.



Inherited Video



When animals are born,

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

Some are inherited, some are inherited.

when plants are born,

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

Some are inherited, some are inherited.



Now animals can inherit some features from their parents

like, the color of their hair or the color of their eyes.

Animals can inherit some features from their parents

like, the completion of their skin or even their height.

Plants too, can inherit from their parents

their color, their size, and shape.

When genes are passed down from your parents

different features you take.



when animals are born

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

and some are inherited, some are inherited.

when plants are born

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

and some are inherited, some are inherited.



Now animals can inherit some features from their parents

like, the color of their hair or the color of their eyes.

Animals can inherit some features from their parents

like, the completion of their skin or even their height.

Plants too, can inherit from their parents

their color, their size, and shape.

When genes are passed down from your parents

different features you take.



when animals are born

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

and some are inherited, some are inherited.

when plants are born

there are a lot of different features that they will take on

and some are inherited, some are inherited.

©2024 Smart Board Learning LLC.

A Major Source Video

A Major Source


The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

It helps the plants grow, yes,

through photosynthesis

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

It helps evaporate water, true,

for the water cycle

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

It heats the Earth’s surface of course,

a non-exhaustible resource

The sun is a major source of energy for the Earth, for the Earth

Precipitation Video



Precipitation is rain, sleet, snow, and hail

Precipitation is rain, sleet, snow, and hail

It’s raining, it’s snowing

It’s raining, it’s snowing

It’s sleeting, it’s hailing

It’s sleeting, it’s hailing



Rain is water droplets falling from the sky

Snow is white crystal flakes made of ice

Sleet, small ice pellets that fall from the sky

Hail, large ice pellets that fall from the sky



Precipitation is rain, sleet, snow, and hail

Precipitation is rain, sleet, snow, and hail

It’s raining, it’s snowing

It’s raining, it’s snowing

It’s sleeting, it’s hailing

It’s sleeting, it’s hailing

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