
Measurement and Data

NC.1.MD.2 – Measure lengths with non-standard units.
• Express the length of an object as a whole number of non-standard length units.
• Measure by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end (iterating) with no gaps or overlaps.

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Non-Standard Video



These are my nonstandard units of measurement,

just to get an idea of how big something is.

These are my nonstandard units of measurement,

just to get an idea of how big something is.



I measured my speaker

and it equaled 1 sneaker.

I measured my chair

and it equaled 5 stairs.

I measured my cup

and it equaled 2 thumbs.

I measured my fan

and it equaled 3 hands.



These are my nonstandard units of measurement,

just to get an idea of how big something is.

These are my nonstandard units of measurement,

just to get an idea of how big something is.

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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