

NC.1.G.1 – Distinguish between defining and non-defining attributes and create shapes with defining attributes by:
• Building and drawing triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, circles.
• Building cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, spheres, and cylinders.

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Shapes Video



These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

How many sides to they have?



A triangle has 3 sides.

A rectangle has 4 sides.

A square has 4 sides.

A pentagon has 5 sides.

A hexagon has 6 sides.

An octagon has 8 sides.



These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

How many sides to they have?



A triangle has 3 sides.

A rectangle has 4 sides.

A square has 4 sides.

A pentagon has 5 sides.

A hexagon has 6 sides.

An octagon has 8 sides.



These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

These are my shapes.

How many sides to they have?

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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