Responsible Citizen

Behavioral Sciences

1 B.1.1 Identify cultural practices and traditions in local communities and places around the world.

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Responsible Citizen Video

Responsible Citizen


I will be a responsible American citizen

because I love this country that we are living in.

I will be a responsible American citizen

because I love this country that we are living in.



Responsible citizens have civic duties.

Responsible citizens obey laws.

Responsible citizens serve on a jury

or as a witness, if they are called.

Responsible citizens have civic duties.

Responsible citizens pay their taxes.

Responsible citizens serve in the armed forces,

if they are called.



I will be a responsible American citizen

because I love this country that we are living in.

I will be a responsible American citizen

because I love this country that we are living in.

Responsible Citizen Sing-A-Long

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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