Place Value

Number and Operations in Base Ten

NC.2.NBT.1 – Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.
• Unitize by making a hundred from a collection of ten tens.
• Demonstrate that the numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine hundreds, with 0 tens and 0 ones.

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Place Value Video

Place Value


Place value

Place value



As we go to the left,

each place value goes up 10 times

As we go to the left,

each place value goes up 10 times



In our number system

the value depends on the place or position

of a number, of a number.

In our number system

the value depends on the place or position

of a number, of a number.


Ones place.

Tens place.

Hundreds place.

Thousands place.

Ten thousands place.

Hundred thousands place

Millions place


Ones place

Tens place

Hundreds place

Thousands place

Ten thousands place

Hundred thousands place

Millions place



As we go to the left,

each place value goes up 10 times

As we go to the left,

each place value goes up 10 times



Place value

Place value

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Force Lyrics

Benjamin Franklin



Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin



Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals

Bifocals or glasses, if you don’t know

Benjamin wanted to prove that lightning is electricity

So Benjamin conducted a famous kite experiment with a key

Benjamin helped to start America’s first library

He helped to put streetlights and paved roads in Philadelphia, the city

The Declaration of Independence was partly written by Benjamin

Benjamin also signed the United States Constitution

Benjamin Franklin was a scientist and an inventor

Benjamin Franklin was a writer and a leader

Benjamin Franklin’s face is on the hundred bill I spent

What Benjamin Franklin was not? He was not President



Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Force Worksheet

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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