Where Music & Videos Meets Standards Of Learning!

Educational Tools For All Lessons

Used by over 2,500 teachers and students, Smart Board Learning utilizes music, videos, quizzes, and worksheets that correlate with State Standards of Learning, NGSS Standards, and Common Core Standards. Smart Board Learning works closely with educators and parents to insure the best tools for kids.

All tools are customizable to fit your classroom needs

Customizable Songs

Customizable Videos

Customizable Quizzes

Why Smart Board Learning?

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Engaging Multimedia Transformation

Smart board learning transforms school standards into engaging music and video formats, enhancing children's retention of information and making the learning process more enjoyable.

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Interactive Learning for Creativity

By incorporating interactive elements, smart board learning not only aids in information retention but also stimulates creativity, encouraging children to explore and develop innovative approaches to learning.

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Collaborative Dynamics

The dynamic nature of smart board learning fosters a collaborative and participatory environment, promoting teamwork among students and cultivating essential social skills.

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Personalized Learning Precision

Through real-time feedback mechanisms, smart board learning enables personalized learning experiences, catering to individual learning styles and fostering a deeper understanding of educational content.

Song Customizing

We specialize in creating educational songs designed to enhance students’ information retention. Our service allows for the customization of songs featuring any written information or facts relevant to the students’ learning needs. Utilizing a diverse range of music genres such as hip hop, rock, pop, and more, we craft engaging and memorable songs. These tunes not only provide a fun sing-along experience for kids but also ensure they retain important facts even after just a few playbacks.

Press play to hear “Continents & Oceans

Video Customizing

We specialize in crafting personalized educational videos that align seamlessly with our customized songs. Each video is enriched with images or animations corresponding to the content of the associated song. Teachers have the flexibility to tailor these videos by submitting images related to the specific concepts students need to grasp. This dynamic combination of visuals and music creates an engaging and effective learning experience, reinforcing key information in a way that resonates with students.

Press play to see the video for “Continents & Oceans”

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