Cactus Hill

Early Cultures of North America

USI.2   The student will apply history and social science skills to describe how early cultures developed throughout North America by

     a.) describing how archaeologists have recovered artifacts from ancient settlements, including, but not limited, to Cactus Hill in Virginia; and


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Trail of Tears Video

Trail of tears


The Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Trail of Tears.

The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Trail of Tears.



In the 1830s, long ago,

Native tribes were told to go.

Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, and more,

Forced to leave their home’s front door.

The Indian Removal Act was made,

Their happy homes began to fade.

President Jackson gave the call,

Move westward now, leave it all.

Through forests deep and rivers wide,

Many walked and many cried.

On a path of pain and fears,

This journey known as Trail of Tears.



The Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Trail of Tears.

The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Trail of Tears.



Through rain and cold, without enough,

The journey was so very tough.

Many lost their lives that day,

As they were forced to walk away.

We remember their brave fight,

Their courage shining bright.

The Trail of Tears, a tale of sorrow,

Honors their hope for a better tomorrow.



The Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Trail of Tears.

The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Trail of Tears.

Trail of tears Sing-A-Long

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