Branches of Government

Civics and Government

3.C&G.1.1 Understand the structure and function of state and local government. 

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Branches of government Video

Branches of government

This is our government, this is our government.
This is where we live.
Three parts of government
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

The Executive branch is the President.
The Executive branch is the President.
Qualifications for Presidency
is 35 years of age, at least.
A natural born citizen born here.
Must reside in the states for 14 years.
Now, the functions of the President,
Chief of State, head of Government.
Resides in the White House.
Commander-in-Chief of our military, our house.
Greet leaders of other nations.
Help create treaties and other negotiations.
Four year term, only allowed two.
Can sign a bill into law and veto bills too.
The President’s veto can be overturned
by two thirds of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

This is our government, this is our government.
This is where we live.
Three parts of government
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

The Legislative branch is made up of Congress,
and they make the laws.
regulate commerce, tax the people,
borrow money, and declare the wars.
The Legislative branch has two parts.
The Senate and the House of Representatives.
Now, the House of Representatives
must live in the state they are representing.
Elected every two years to fill 435 seats.
Must be a citizen for 7 years at least.
25 years of age.
The Number of reps depends on state populations.
Now the Senate, at least 9 years must be a citizen,
live in the state they are representing.
Must be 30, 6 year terms.
Every 2 years elect one third.
The Vice President is the President of the Senate.
100 Senators, 2 per state.
The Vice President is the President of the Senate.
100 Senators, 2 per state.

This is our government, this is our government.
This is where we live.
Three parts of government
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

The Judicial branch is made up of all courts.
The highest court is the Supreme Court.
It’s on Congress to decide
how many Justices there should be. Now it’s nine.
The President Chooses
who will be the Chief Justices and the Senate approves it.
Once appointed Justice,
you are there until death or retirement.
The Supreme Court is a guide for all the courts in our country.
Judicial review began in 1803,
but that’s not all
the Supreme Court had the final say in the Law.

This is our government, this is our government.
This is where we live.
Three parts of government
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

Branches of government Sing-A-Long

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