Elapsed Time

Measurement and Data

NC.3.MD.1 – Tell and write time to the nearest minute. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals within the same hour.

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Elapsed time Video

Elapsed Time


Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.

Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.

Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.

Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.



If school started at 2 o’clock,

and school ended at 4 o’clock,

then 2 hours have elapsed.


If work started at 4 o’clock,

and work ended at 8 o’clock,

then 4 hours have elapsed.


If school started at 2 o’clock,

and school ended at 4 o’clock,

then 2 hours have elapsed.


If work started at 4 o’clock,

and work ended at 8 o’clock,

then 4 hours have elapsed. 



Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.

Elapsed time is the time in between two given times.

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