Greater Than, Less Than

Number and Operations in Base Ten

NC.2.NBT.4 – Compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results
of comparisons.

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Greater Than, Less Than Video

Greater Than, Less Than


Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.

Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.



The greater than and less than symbol, let’s call it an alligator.

An alligator that’s hungry and he only eat numbers that’s greater.

When his mouth is open it faces the larger number.

So, the closed side is less than and the open side is greater.

If there’s an equal sign between two numbers then they’re equal.

If there’s an equal sign between two numbers then they’re equal.



Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.

Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.

Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.

Less than, greater than, equal to, equal to.

Greater Than, Less Than Sing-A-Long

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