

NC.4.G.1 – Draw and identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallel lines.

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Lines Video



We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down




A straight path in a plane extending in both directions.


A straight path in a plane extending in both directions.


Perpendicular Lines:

Two lines that intersect to form right angles.

Perpendicular Lines:

Two lines that intersect to form right angles.


Intersecting Lines:

Lines that cross each other at exactly one point.

Intersecting Lines:

Lines that cross each other at exactly one point.


Parallel Lines:

Lines in a plane that do not intersect.

Parallel Lines:

Lines in a plane that do not intersect.



Starts at an endpoint while the other side goes on forever.


Starts at an endpoint while the other side goes on forever.


Line Segment:

Part of a line that has two end points.

Line Segment:

Part of a line that has two end points.



We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down

We line it up and then we break it down

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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