Booker T. Washington


3.H.1.1 Explain how the experiences and achievements of women, indigenous, religious, & racial groups have contributed to development of local community. 

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Booker t washington Video

Booker t washington


Booker T. was born in a small, poor place.

In a cabin in Virginia, he was born a slave.

After the Civil War Booker T. was set free.

He went to Hampton Institute to get a degree.

In Alabama, he built a school.

The school was called the Tuskegee Institute.

Teaching skills and trades each day.

Helping many people find their way.



Booker T. Washington is a name to know

Inspiring hearts, both young and old

Booker T. Washington is a name to know

With tales of courage, brave and bold.



Booker T.  believed in hard work and education.

He knew this was a way to a strong foundation

The first African American to dine at the White House

Invited by President Theodore Roosevelt

The first African American on a U.S. postage stamp.

Booker T. was buried on the Tuskegee campus.

Booker T. Washington helped build many schools.

Booker T. Washington helped build many schools.

A leader, teacher, brave and strong.

His legacy will forever live on.



Booker T. Washington is a name to know

Inspiring hearts, both young and old

Booker T. Washington is a name to know

With tales of courage, brave and bold.

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