Cash Crops


4.E.1.2 Explain factors that have led to economic growth and decline for North Carolina’s major industries. 

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Cashcrop Video



Farming was very important to me.

I used my crops as money.

Farming was very important to me.

I used my crops as money.

They’re called cash crops, cash crops, cash crops.

They’re called cash crops, cash crops, cash crops.



If we can find cheap labor,

we can make a lot of money planting tobacco.

If we can find cheap labor,

we can make a lot of money planting tobacco.

So African men, women and children were brought in

to work as slaves on the plantation.

African men, women and children were brought in

to work as slaves on the plantation.



Farming was very important to me.

I used my crops as money.

Farming was very important to me.

I used my crops as money.

They’re called cash crops, cash crops, cash crops.

They’re called cash crops, cash crops, cash crops.

CashCrop Sing-A-Long

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