NC Three Regions


4.G.1.1 Compare the development of various geographic regions in North Carolina using geographic tools and representations. 

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NC three regions Video

Nc three region


North Carolina’s 3 Regions

North Carolina’s 3 Regions

Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and The Mountains



Coastal Plain low flat land, Coastal Plain low flat land

Eastern North Carolina, near the Atlantic Ocean

Coastal Plain has two parts, Coastal Plain has two parts

The outer Coastal Plain on the east side

The inner coastal plain on the west side

Piedmont rolling hills

Piedmont low mountains

Piedmont wide plateau that rises above all the land around it

Blue Ridge Mountains are rounded part of the Appalachian Mountains

Great Smoky Mountains are rounded part of the Appalachian Mountains

Western North Carolina has mountains, that’s part of the Appalachian Mountains

The Appalachian Mountains are mountains that stretch from Canada to Alabama



North Carolina’s 3 Regions

North Carolina’s 3 Regions

Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and The Mountain

Force Song-A-Long

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