Add & Subtract Fractions

Number and Operations – Fractions

NC.4.NF.3 – Explain why a fraction is equivalent to another fraction by using area and length fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size.

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Add & subtract fractions with common denominators,

add & subtract fractions with common denominators

The denominator stays the same,

the denominator stays the same

Add & subtract fractions with common denominators



Take your fractions with the same denominator

then add or subtract your numerators

Then you move over your denominator

because it stays the same, because it stays the same



Add & subtract fractions with common denominators,

add & subtract fractions with common denominators

The denominator stays the same,

the denominator stays the same

Add & subtract fractions with common denominators

Add + Subtract Fractions Worksheet

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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