
Force and Motion

2.2  The student will investigate and understand that different types of forces may cause an object’s motion to change. Key ideas include

     a.) forces from direct contact can cause an object to move;

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Force Video




If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.



Force is a push or a pull that will

make an object stop.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects speed.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects direction.

Force is a push or a pull that will

change an objects direction.



If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

If you give a push or give a pull,

that is force to an object.

Force Song-A-Long

Force Lyrics

Benjamin Franklin



Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin



Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals

Bifocals or glasses, if you don’t know

Benjamin wanted to prove that lightning is electricity

So Benjamin conducted a famous kite experiment with a key

Benjamin helped to start America’s first library

He helped to put streetlights and paved roads in Philadelphia, the city

The Declaration of Independence was partly written by Benjamin

Benjamin also signed the United States Constitution

Benjamin Franklin was a scientist and an inventor

Benjamin Franklin was a writer and a leader

Benjamin Franklin’s face is on the hundred bill I spent

What Benjamin Franklin was not? He was not President



Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Force Worksheet

Group 6 CopyCreated with Sketch.

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