
Living Systems and Processes

3.4  The student will investigate and understand that adaptations allow organisms to satisfy life needs and respond to the environment. Key ideas include

     a.) populations may adapt over time;

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Adaptation Video



What is adaptation? The way plants and animals learn to survive

What is adaptation? How they live in their habitat or environment

We adapt, we adapt,

to our habitat, to our habitat



There are some places on earth that’s very cold or very hot

and still plants and animals live there, they’ve adapted to being there

Some places on earth have lots of water or lots of rocks

and still plants and animals live there, they’ve adapted to being there

Let’s take a place that doesn’t have much water

Plants and animals both know how to conserve water, store that water

Let’s take a place with high temperatures

Plants move their leaves to minimize surface area hit by the sun

In a place with high temperatures

They both reduce heat output and animals use the shade to avoid the sun



What is adaptation? The way plants and animals learn to survive

What is adaptation? How they live in their habitat or environment

We adapt, we adapt,

to our habitat, to our habitat



Some animals camouflage, change their color or pattern to blend in

Some animals’ mimicry, change their whole look to look like something


Some plants have needles, to cause pain feelings in animals that touch it

Some plants are poison, to harm an enemy that tries to eat it



What is adaptation? The way plants and animals learn to survive

What is adaptation? How they live in their habitat or environment

We adapt, we adapt,

to our habitat, to our habitat

Adaptation Sing-A-Long

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