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Colonial America and the American Revolution

USI.5   The student will apply history and social science skills to explain the social, political, religious, economic, and geographic factors that shaped colonial America by

     a.) describing the characteristics and differences among the New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern colonies;

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The New England Colony specialized in fishing, 

specialized in ship building, 

and specialized in making naval supplies. 

They depended on the Mid-Atlantic Colonies for livestock. 

They depended on the Southern Colonies for tobacco and other crops. 


The Mid-Atlantic Colony specialized in livestock, 

specialized in fish, 

and specialized in grains. 

They depended on the New England Colonies for metal tools. 

They depended on the Southern Colonies for rice, cotton, and tobacco. 


The Southern Colonies specialized in growing rice, 

specialized in growing tobacco, 

specialized in growing cotton and indigo. 

They depended on the New England Colonies for equipment and tools. 

They depended on the Mid Atlantic Colonies for grains and livestock.

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