
Political Growth and Western Expansion: 1775 to the Mid-1800s

VS.6 The student will apply history and social science skills to explain the establishment and growth of the new American nation with emphasis on the role of Virginians and events in Virginia during the 18th and 19th centuries by

     a.) explaining the roles of George Washington (“Father of Our Country”), James Madison (“Father of the Constitution”), and Patrick Henry (“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech);

     b.) explaining the development of founding Virginia documents, including the Virginia Declaration of Rights (George Mason) and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (Thomas Jefferson);


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One day in January we remember,

a man who worked hard so all people would be treated equal.

It’s a holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

It’s a holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


One day in February is for the greats.

We honor all presidents of The United States.

It’s a holiday.

Presidents Day.

It’s a holiday.

Presidents Day.


One day in May we remember,

Americans who died during war while serving our country.

It’s a holiday.

Memorial Day.

It’s a holiday.

Memorial Day.


On the Fourth of July we celebrate

becoming a new country, America’s birthday.

It’s a holiday.

Independence Day, The 4th of July.

It’s a holiday.

Independence Day, The 4th of July.


One day in November we remember,

Americans who served in the military.

It’s a holiday.

Veterans Day.

It’s a holiday.

Veterans Day.

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