Jim Crow

Political Growth and Western Expansion: 1775 to the Mid-1800s

VS.8 The student will apply history and social science skills to explain the reconstruction of Virginia following the Civil War by

     f.) analyzing the effects of segregation and “Jim Crow” laws on life in Virginia.

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Jim Crow Video

Jim Crow Video

Jim Crow


Jim Crow Laws opened doors for 
racial segregation. 

Unfair poll taxes and voting test were made to stop  
African Americans from voting. 
Since it was hard to vote, it was hard for African Americans 
to hold public offices. 
Laws were made 
for African Americans to drink from different fountains. 
Laws were made 
for African Americans to use different restrooms. 
Laws were made 
that had African American children and white children  
attending different schools, it affected Native Americans too. 

Jim Crow Laws opened doors for 
racial segregation. 
Jim Crow Laws opened doors for 
racial segregation. 

Jim Crow Sing-A-Long

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