
1607 through the American Revolution

VS.3 The student will apply history and social science skills to explain the causes and effects of events associated with the first permanent English settlement in North America by

     a.) explaining the reasons for English colonization;

     b.) describing the economic and geographic influences on the decision to settle at Jamestown;

     c.) describing the importance of the Virginia Company of London Charter (April 10, 1606) in establishing the Jamestown colony;

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In 1607, the English settled in Jamestown.

In 1607, the English settled in Jamestown.

Why bring colonies to America?

To increase the wealth and power.

Why bring colonies to America?

To find silver and gold.

Why bring colonies to America?

To open up new markets for trade.

Why bring colonies to America?

To get raw materials.



The Virginia Company of London’s stockholders

paid for the settlement.

They settled on a peninsula surrounded on three sides by the James River.

The area was good for trade.

From the Spanish, they thought they were safe.

From the Spanish, they thought they were safe.

Their ships could come in to dock.

They thought their water supply was good.



In 1607, the English settled in Jamestown.

In 1607, the English settled in Jamestown.

Why bring colonies to America?

To increase the wealth and power.

Why bring colonies to America?

To find silver and gold.

Why bring colonies to America?

To open up new markets for trade.

Why bring colonies to America?

To get raw materials.

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